As the sexual tension rises between Theo and Ruby, the enigmatic young woman coaxes Theo into revealing a secret fantasy of his...

Best Short Film (Los Angeles Short Film Festival) - Best Short Film For Change (Paris Inter’l Film Festival)

Best LGBTQ Film (CIFT) - Honorable Mention (New Renaissance Amsterdam) - Finalist (European Cinematography Awards)

“How can film explore the young straight male in a new, relevant way? With our popular media obsessing over gender politics and the LGBTQ+ culture sipping into the mainstream, the possibility for straight men to rethink and redefine their masculinity is as exciting as it can be scary. What is acceptable for them to explore outside of traditional masculinity and what is still off-limits? What happens to the one who uncovers a queer side that clashes with his idea of heteronormative masculinity? By subtly bringing life to hidden fears and repressed desires, ‘Ruby Red’ looks at contemporary masculine identity through a queer lens, where imagination becomes more revealing than reality.” Philippe Audi-Dor

  • Writer/Director: Philippe Audi-Dor

  • Cast: Basil Eidenbenz, Amelia Bennett

  • Director of Photography: Pablo Rojo

  • Producer: Will Edwick (Flat 14 Films)

  • Running Time: 8 min

  • Country of Origin/Year: UK (2020)

  • Aspect Ratio: 4:3

  • Format: 16mm, 4K digital

Student Short Films